Attention: Authors, Entrepreneurs, Attorneys and Speakers

Are you Prepared to Learn the Exact Steps I’ve Used
to Leverage My Business and Books into
Not Only National Media Exposure

(O Magazine – August 2010 for the second time; Reader’s Digest,; The Washington Post online; Glamour, Family Cirlce, Redbook and so many others; my Fifth Book is Now Becoming a PBS Special),

But Also Into Increasing my Consulting Fees from $25 an hour to well over $400 an hour Today?

Get known within your industry, the media and with new clients or readers
and earn an Extra $2K – $15 K more a Month, Every Month!

12 Week Brand & Publicity Program

How to Get Publicity to Monetize Your Intellectual
Capital, Products, Services and Books…

and help others!!

Get Publicity & Create a Strong Platform Now

… so you’re asked to speak, get readers to buy your book,

attract clients, become a Spokesperson,

Attract Sponsors for what you do

and so much more!

Why do Professional Publicists who charge over $3000 a month take this class?


Because it works and I offer new material… because the

From: Ruth Klein, Santa Monica, Calif. USA
Date: Monday, July 26, 2010


Dear Friend,


Are you a writer, coach, lawyer, health practioner, realtor or other professional or entrepreneur who…


Would like to get publicity for your business or book?
Are you overwhelmed and exhausted from trying to know who to contact to promote what you do?
Would you like to have media editors contact you instead of figuring out who you should connect with?
Would you like to get spokesperson gigs?
Do you need a strong Plaform for getting your book published?
Would you like to have few clients while earning more money and help more people? Publicity allows this to happen easier!


Then, I’m ready to help YOU starting August 26, 2010.

Here is what you’ll receive in the 12-Week Program…

Week One: The Anatomy of a Publicity Campaign

Offline and Online

vgh ttracting new clients offline
vn Attracting new clients online
fvghn Creating a strong brand for your business or book
fghn Get known by the media

Week Two: Fifteen Strategies to Leverage Each Press Release

vgh How to be three times more productive with the Triplicate Effect
vn Automatic marketing and follow-up system for press releases
fvghn The three most important success elements for Video
fghn The three most important success elements for Audio


Week Three: Website Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

vgh The top eleven strategies for free online downloads to support your marketing and publicity campaign
vn How YouTube and Video Blogging can increase you SEO
fvghn How to start your own radio show and get found and known
fghn How to start your own online television show and get found and known

Week Four: Social Networking and Social Media Top 10 Strategies

vgh Facebook success tips
vn Digg success tips
fvghn Twitter success tips
fghn Linked-In success tips


Week Five: Become a Thought Leader in Your Industry

vgh Seven ways to leverage your articles
vn How to pitch media’s all new
fvghn The four strategies to writing White Papers that reinforce your Business or Book Brand
fghn Creating your Media Dream Team of 12, 12, 12, 12

Week Six: Developing Your Signature Event

vgh Attracting new clients
vn Attracting the media
fvghn Crafting the event around your Brand
fghn How many events a year is ideal without overwhelm of time and money?

Week Seven: Different Website Strategies

vgh The portal website
vn The mini-website
fvghn The selling and interactive website
fghn The brochure website

Week Eight: The Anatomy of a Sales Letter

vgh How to write an offline sales letter
vn How to write an online sales letter
fvghn The difference between features and benefits, but need them both
fghn The top closes that motivate action by the consumer

Week Nine: Joining Forces With Others

vgh The three strategies of a winning Affiliate Marketing Program that most people do not do!
vn The three strategies of a winning Joint Venture Program that most people do not do!
fvghn Turning newsletters into an Affiliate Marketing machine
fghn The critical point of follow-up when joining forces

Week Ten: Broadcasting

vgh Video blogging
vn Audio blogging
fvghn Written blogging
fghn Audio podcast


Week Eleven: The Brain and How Publicity Works

vgh The Sweet Spot of Publicity for attracting your clients
vn The Sweet Spot of Publicity for attracting the media
fvghn How to use your creativity in all publicity
fghn How to uncover where your ideal clients are offline and online

Week Twelve: Tying It All Together

vgh Crafting your final Publicity Plan
vn Crafting your final Publicity Campaign
fvghn Scheduling your Media Campaign
fghn Checklists and checkpoints moving for follow-up


Investment: $2197 **Save $500 with the Early Bird Registration (Good through August 19th!), click here to reserve your seat**


Bonus #1: (Value ~“Invaluable”)

Media editors with contact information

You’ll receive a list of over 20 media editors with contacts.


Bonus #2: (Value $750 )

3 – 30 Minute Private Consultations

You will receive three 30-minute private consultations with me during the three months.


Bonus #3: (Value ~“Invaluable”)

Material for Social Networking Sites

I will personally help you identify and create material for two social networking sites in your niche area…and I will help identify other niche areas you may not be working with right now.

Click Here to Reserve Your Seat Now
and save $500 with our Early Bird Pricing!

(good through August 19th at midnight)


“Ruth Klein has a unique grasp of media, both new and traditional, and is able to communicate that to others in an unparalleled fashion. If you’re ready to promote your brand to the world, Ruth Klein can show you how. I highly recommend her.”


Joanne McCall
Creative Book Publicist


as“I’m so excited about finding the perfect brand. This will be the vehicle to greater exposure and success for my business. I couldn’t have done it without Ruth Klein’s expert guidance. Her help was invaluable to me in the discovery process and follow through. I’m finding it so much easier and more fun to do my business now, whereas before I was lacking focus and pizzazz. The best part about my brand is I stand out from the crowd.

Thanks so much, Ruth!!!!”


Tara Brennan



Not convinced yet?

My Personal “Make-You-Happy, More-Than-Your- Money Back, All-the-Risk-Is-On- Me” Guarantee:

Attend My Brand & Publicity 12-Week Program at No Risk! It’s Got to Be the Best Publicity Information You’ve Ever Attended to Learn Publicity or I’ll Pay You Your Money Back, PLUS $100.00 for your Trouble.

Go ahead, register and attend the first month of my Brand & Publicity 12-Week Program at NO RISK whatsoever. If for any reason, by the end of the first month, you honestly feel I did not deliver on the information promised, just ask for a full 100% refund. I’ll be happy to refund your money. You see, I want your success more than your money!


I’m THAT confident that nothing out there comes CLOSE to the quality of my 12 Week Brand & Publicity Program and the amazing, step-by-step information you’re going to learn.and be able to implement!!


In fact, if you feel I’ve wasted your time, I’ll even give you $100.00 out of my own pocket for your trouble, paid by check within 30 days after the first month.


This “make you happy” guarantee is my way of taking ANY worry off your shoulders about making this important decision.

Sign up today and receive an extra Early Bird Bonus and Special Pricing!

Two Early Bird Registration Bonuses

(Good through August 2nd!)


Bonus #1:

$500 discount on your investment of the Brand & Publicity Program


Bonus #2:

Two Free Months in the Expert Celebrity Membership Program (Value $700)

z A monthly tele-seminar on publicity; other ways to use your press releases, media editors, what other successful businesses and authors are doing for publicity awareness, and much more.
sz The monthly mp3 of each tele-seminar
zf Two media leads each month
zf One press release tailored to your business every month



“Ruth Klein is totally invested in the progress and outcome of each individual. She is totally committed to being on task and getting to the heart of the issue- bringing great clarity and focus to the work at hand. Her nurturing demeanor and crackerjack brain promote quantum evolution in yourself, your limitless belief system and your brand. Ruth is a GEM!”


Callie Duritsa



as “Ruth is an invaluable wealth of information. If you want to learn ways to push the envelope open, and really make a splash with your business, take the time, and call Ruth or attend one of her seminars. A one of a kind very unique person that has easily proven herself; “Successful”…. 
I highly recommend Ruth Klein!”


Susan Waldrop
Visionary, Author, Key Note Speaker



Yes, Ruth I am ready to get started!


For $2,197 $1,697, I know I’ll receive:

  • Full 12-week Brand & Publicity Program

  • 20 Media editors with Contact Information

  • 3 – 30 Minute Private Consultations

  • Complete materials for 2 Social Networking Sites

Don’t Miss This!!!

If you purchase now you will receive a $500 Early Bird Discount plus
Two Free Months
in the Expert Celebrity Membership Program

And I know I’m protected by your Iron-Clad Guarantee. 

$2,197 $1,697 Early Bird Special Pricing

$752 $565 Billed in 3 Payments*

Your payments are processed on secure servers.

* If you choose a payment plan, please note the payments will be billed at 30 day intervals.


Are you ready to grow expand your business? Reserve your seat today and let’s get to work!


To your Expert Celebrity Positioning,

Ruth Klein


P. S. The Early Bird Registration discount ends soon! Reserve your seat now!