Money, Time & Synchronicity

In this Money, Time & Synchronicity program, I’ll walk you through:

Are you feeling overwhelmed and wondering where you’ll get the time to do what you need to do for your business and create some freedom in your lifestyle?

Are you feeling frustrated because you work really hard but you don’t have the money to show for it?

What is preventing you from really making the next quantum leap you know you need to take now?

The skills and mindset that got you to where you are today are not the same skills and mindset that you need moving forward to find more time and attract more money in your business.

You may be ready to do something differently, but…

Are you truly willing to do what it takes to go to the next level?

Thinking about the answer…does it get you excited or does it make you anxious?

If you’re feeling anxious, you may be ready but not willing, and you may be experiencing the very same limitations and blockages that have kept you right where you are…stuck.

If you’re feeling excited, you’re ready and willing to get paid well to be in service and in alignment with your purpose, passion and profits.

Program Dates and Times

The 5-week program starts:

Wednesdays, October 10, 2012
4:00pm – 5:30pm (Pacific)


All classes will be recorded in case you can’t make it or if you would like to re-listen to the class over and over again. 🙂

Money, Time & Synchronicity $497
(get $200 off!) — only $297

Our server is 100% secure.

“Within 4 months of private brand coaching with Ruth, I launched my first program that made money.”

It was Ruth’s innate ability to laser focus and help me get to the heart of my branding personality and message that created a seismic shift in my business and within 4 months, I created and launched my first program that made money. No other program or coach had done this for me.

As a result of her expert guidance and caring support, I was able to articulate clearly who I was here to serve. With a clear message, I received a phone call for my first radio show interview, which was followed by a speaking engagement to 400 business women business owners and flurry of media spots.

I am now doing what I love, having fun and enjoying success with a radio show with over 100,000 subscribers, a global community of Smart Women and changing lives. I now refer all my clients to Ruth for to help them shorten the time to getting known as an expert in their field. My advice for those thinking of working with Ruth is: don’t hesitate.

Katana Abbott, CFP®
Prosperity Coach and Founder


“Your ideas today are worth over $100,000 for me this year!!”

Talk about maximizing my time! You gave me so many ideas on the potential of what I can actually do so THANK YOU!!! Your ideas today are worth over $100,000 for me this year!!

Emma Tiebens
The Relational Marketer

Investment For Your Business

5-Week Money, Time & Synchronicity Program


$200 scholarship to reward you for taking quick action and stepping into your power of brilliance…but only for 1 week!

only $297
(and only for 1 week)

Order now via 100% secure online server.
After your order information is received you will immediately receive an electronic receipt and an email confirmation of your order.

“I’ve felt understood and encouraged working with you and it’s done wonders for my self-esteem and confidence–not to mention my business!”

Dear Ruth,

This is a long overdue thank you for the insightful, practical and effective tools you’ve given me to enhance my loan business and my life. The time blocking and time-utilization ideas have been incredible. In my twenty-plus years of business, I have always felt guilty for not being a morning person. Not any more! You have a gift for identifying and working with strengths and weaknesses that is so positive. I’ve felt understood and encouraged working with you and it’s done wonders for my self-esteem and confidence–not to mention my business! Now I use my best time for my most productive tasks, and it has opened up more time and more business than I could have imagined. I apologize for the delay in telling you how much I appreciate your help, but I’ve been buried in business as a result of the many ideas you helped me put into place. A happy problem to be sure!

Warmest regards,

Dottie Jakobsen
Home Mortgage Consultant
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage


This letter is to thank you for the time you spent in making me realize the importance of making the time to take care of myself so that I can be a better person, wife and mother. I feel empowered with this new perspective and once again want to thank you, on behalf of myself and my family, for opening my eyes and helping me realize that it is not additional time that we all need, but rather the ability to prioritize, organize and make efficient use of the time we already have.” Thank you!!!

Attorney and Mom


“We estimate a 150% to 200% increase in gross profits for this coming year.”

Thank you for all your help in developing our marketing plan. As a small business owner with limited resources, my firm desired to develop specific applications for the multi-billion dollar water treatment industry. With the help of 4GBranding, we created a marketing plan that entailed:

1) Defining and focusing on the company’s purpose and goals
2) Identify and develop literature for specific markets and products
3) Develop a plan to make my firm the technology leader in these specific areas
4) Develop marketing tools to increase my firm’s presence on the internet and printed media

The net results from our first meeting was increase in new clients contacting us from our website. We are averaging 2-3 inquiries per week. These inquiries are generating $3K to $5K per month in additional new sales and new clients. We love people call us and asking for our help and products. We are currently increasing our office staff to support this steady increase of sales activities.

Our marketing plan is in the early stages of implementation. However, based on the initial results, we estimate an 150% to 200% increase in gross profits for this coming year. We have a clear and definitive marketing plan that fits into our five year business model.

We look forward to working with your firm in the near future as we continue to refine our marketing plan.

Charles Jennings
General Manager
Jenfitch, LLC


Here is the link for your $200 self-empowerment scholarship…only if you sign up and make a decision within 1 week

$297 Paid-In-Full and registered within 1 week (After 1 week, the investment goes back up to $497.)

Money, Time & Synchronicity $497
(get $200 off!) — only $297

Our server is 100% secure.